The competitive process is the normal process for filling jobs

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The competitive process is the normal process for filling jobs

Post by Joywtome21 »

Chapter III of the Basic Statute of Public Employees regulates the provision of jobs in each Public Administration. This will be carried out through competitive and free appointment procedures with a public call.

It will consist of the assessment of the merits and capabilities and, where appropriate, the aptitudes of the candidates.
Free appointment consists of the discretionary assessment by the competent body of the suitability of candidates in relation to the requirements demanded for the performance of the position.
We analyze what the free appointment process is like and what its limits are, mentioning list of contact numbers in philippines the case brought by the lawyer Carmen Blanco Picó on the appointment made by Carmen Montón for the management of the La Fe Hospital in Valencia, which ended up in court because the " discretionary " term was exceeded in appointing the manager of the La Fe Hospital in Valencia.

Lawyer Carmen Blanco Picó , an expert in gender violence, won a case regarding an appointment through the free designation procedure.

In 2015, a free appointment procedure was initiated to appoint the manager of the La Fe Hospital in Valencia. Mayte Lázaro started the process and submitted her application to participate in the appointment process. But, surprisingly and without reason, the candidate was left out of the process. The manager position was occupied by Mónica Almiñana.

The appointment was appealed by the candidate who was excluded from the process, with the representation and defense of the lawyer Carmen Blanco Picó . In the appeal presented before the Administrative Litigation Division of the High Court of Justice of Valencia, it was argued that the appointment had not been motivated and exceeded the limits of discretion.

After a 5-year legal battle, the Valencia High Court has ruled in favour of the appellant and annulled the appointment made to manage La Fe Hospital and ordered that the procedure be repeated.

The Court points out in its ruling that a person who is not a health professional can be appointed to the position (Mónica Almiñana was a councillor). And they also ratified the impartiality of the members of the assessment body.

However, the selected candidate's motivation was found to be lacking, and the Court therefore annulled the appointment . The appointment referred to the candidate's personal qualifications, whereas in this type of selection a motivation is required in accordance with the candidate's technical profile and responsibilities. The candidate's professional merits and CV were not indicated, and the positions held were omitted.

The Court, for its part, notes that the extensive curriculum of the other candidate (Mayte Lázaro) is intentionally hidden; the evaluation committee makes no mention of them, despite their very diverse careers.

The process of free designation
Art . 80 of the TREBEP regulates the free appointment through a public call for career civil servants. This process, as we have indicated above, consists of the discretionary assessment by the competent body of the suitability of candidates to fill a job position.

The criteria for determining which positions can be filled by this procedure are regulated by the Civil Service Laws. Normally this selection procedure is used for positions of special responsibility and trust . For example, advisors to the President.
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