responsive landing pages
Knowing how to adapt is one of the most important characteristics that you must have as a digital marketing expert. As part of this process of adapting to change, there is the need to understand the importance of responsive landing pages and their nature.
In this ever-changing world, responsive landing pages are one of the biggest oman phone number changes the marketing industry has ever seen. Things were a lot easier for web designers before iPads, mobile phones, and tablets came into existence. Internet users searched strictly on desktop and laptop screens that didn’t vary much in size, meaning most websites looked similar no matter what type of screen a user had.
But everything changed when people started browsing brands' websites on these types of devices. In fact, in 2014, the majority of internet traffic worldwide came from mobile devices , and it's been that way ever since. A year later, statistics say that users were spending an average of three hours a day on their mobile devices , a big change compared to 20 minutes in 2008.
This change was very shocking for web designers who, with their traditional design methods, were not able to meet the needs of users. A non-responsive design on a landing page breaks all the web usability rules that a brand must follow to offer an effective user experience.

Responsive web design and the dawn of mobile use
Responsive landing pages
Responsive design: What is it and how does it work?
Basic principles of responsive landing pages
1.- Mobile or desktop first
2.- Maximum and minimum values
3.- Webfonts vs. System fonts
4.- Bitmap images vs. vectors
5.- Units of measurement
6.- Breakpoints in the design
7.- The content
Responsive web design and the dawn of mobile use
Responsive web design
When the mobile revolution began several years ago, the most popular way to adapt a website to users was initially through completely new responsive landing pages for the desktop version. A new landing page designed exclusively for this type of device .
The biggest problem with this practice was the double website maintenance required by having two separate and different web pages. It was necessary to create and design separate SEO campaigns, PPC campaigns, content strategies, etc., for the desktop and mobile versions of a website.