qualified workforce because workers

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qualified workforce because workers

Post by AnamikaSA60 »

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Economics Human Resources Competition is one of the things that is increasingly whatsapp group philippines widespread and we can find it in various areas of life and in various regions up to the inter-country level. Competition is not only in the field of achievement but also in the development of educational technology, transportation trade and so on. High competition means that every country must develop its potential and work hard to survive in the international world and with other countries.


From this intense competition, free trade and a free economy emerged. Not only is trade in goods and services between countries free, but also in the field of human resources, one of which is the influx of foreign workers. Foreign Workers in Indonesia Labor is one of the supporters in driving a country's economy. The country needs a are an important element in running the national economy. In accordance with the Constitution, namely National Economy and Social Welfare, workers are oriented towards social welfare.
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