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They also do something else very well

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:28 am
by Md5656se
They don't just give you the person's name and the text, they also give you their philippines telephone number website, photos, videos.

This way you see that they are real people, people who are currently doing this or who have used what they have learned for their businesses.

Remember that this is a professional master's degree.

I'll show you in parts.

The first block of testimonials is almost at the beginning and reinforced by a title that talks about the length of the master's degree and the number of students.

Sales Page - Example of First Testimonials
This helps to provide authority and trust at the beginning of the sales page.

And it makes us want to keep reading.

Note the naturalness of the testimonies and how they are strategically placed to reinforce the idea that can be read in the title of this section.

Then we go through two other sections of the sales page, one with the benefits and content of the master's degree and another with frequently asked questions, and we arrive at the second block of testimonials.

Here are three more testimonies from three students who talk about their experience.

Sales Page - Second Testimonials Example
It once again reinforces the credibility of what is sold in the sales letter and the satisfaction of the people who take the master's degree.

After this section, the reader finds a section where he talks about the benefits for his students and the support and guidance that the program offers.


And we come to the third block of testimonies.

I'm not leaving it in images so as not to be repetitive, but if you want, you can see it on the website.

So far we have an example of a page to sell online training and that has real and positive testimonials and that are very well used to reinforce confidence in the product.

Now I'm going to show you the other section that I'm going to highlight.

Frequently asked questions.

Now you will see how they are strategically worked out and that they are divided into two sections of frequently asked questions.

A larger, more prominent section with only two questions, and another longer section with more questions, almost at the end.

The first FAQ section has two key questions that many potential customers are sure to ask themselves, and which helps customers want to know more, as any potential objections they may have are dispelled as they read through the questions.