Qualitative research focuses on the process and allows for in-depth and unique information, but the results are unrepresentative and incomparable, making analysis difficult. Qualitative research must be preceded by quantitative research to identify the phenomena on which to focus.
Conducting only quantitative studies carries the philippine cp number risk of reaching erroneous conclusions and interpretations of the results, since they do not take into account the context and causes of the phenomena that occur.
Qualitative research, such as interviews or observations, allows you to select the right research tools and ask the right questions, which helps to avoid the problems associated with quantitative research.
Once quantitative data has been obtained, qualitative research allows for a better understanding of the causes of the phenomena that occurred and helps to avoid misinterpretations of the results.
More details below.

In order not to give anyone false hope, let us point out from the outset that there is no clear and universal answer to the question of which market research method is better - qualitative or quantitative . The two approaches are completely incompatible with each other and serve different purposes. Therefore, the choice of method depends on what we want to investigate and find out. This statement will lose its triviality when we consider in more detail what each method is used for.