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What lessons can we learn from recent entrepreneurship studies?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:50 am
by Bappy11
At Simón de Cirene we are interested in understanding entrepreneurs and their challenges better.
During 2023, new entrepreneurship studies have come to light that leave us with great reflections on how entrepreneurs should adapt to current scenarios, and in what aspects to improve in order to generate more prosperous businesses with results that allow them to sustain themselves over time.

Micro Entrepreneurship Survey (EME7)

One of the studies is the Micro Entrepreneurship Survey in its seventh taiwan number example version, carried out by the Ministry of Economy in collaboration with the National Institute of Statistics. This is probably one of the most representative studies in Chile on the state of micro entrepreneurship in the country, and it has shown results that we find interesting to analyze. Among them are:
1. From 2019 to 2022, the total number of ventures in the country has decreased by 3.91%, from 2,057,903 to 1,977,426
2. Of the 1,977,426 ventures in 2022, 20.8% started their activity as a result of the pandemic, and of these, 70.8% did so out of necessity.
3. 27.17% of microentrepreneurs increased their use of the internet for their businesses.


These results leave us with several thoughts: we need to connect entrepreneurs with the business opportunities present in the market, and one of the great sources of connection is through digital channels . Through these, we can do great things to grow our businesses! Among them:

1. Compare ourselves with other businesses, find out how competitive our businesses are.
2. Connect with current and potential customers, develop a relationship of trust through content, get to know their preferences better, etc.
3. Generate new sales channels.
4. Incorporate new forms of dissemination, such as social networks, mailing, WhatsApp and much more.

That is why it makes so much sense for us to move forward on these issues, and currently, to have an alliance as powerful as apanio , which seeks precisely to accompany micro-entrepreneurs to integrate into digital commerce.

On the other hand, entrepreneurships of people over 65 years of age , who are probably the population with the greatest difficulty in adapting to new technological trends, are also the population with the greatest decrease in entrepreneurships. The data show us that entrepreneurs who were 65 years of age or older went from representing 17.5% of the total number of entrepreneurships in 2019 , to being 10.5% in 2022. This reveals the importance and our duty to support senior entrepreneurship in these issues and, at the same time, take advantage of their experience and knowledge.

The challenge of maintaining a business over time is a major challenge. Digitalization becomes a good tool, but there is something even deeper to sustain a business: the entrepreneurial profile.

National Index of Entrepreneurial and Innovative Attitude

There are certain characteristics that make an entrepreneur more likely to generate a successful venture, such as openness to learning, connection with others, business vision, tolerance for failure, among others. Recently, the National Index of Entrepreneurial and Innovative Attitude was launched by ForoInnovación and Feedback, which showed us interesting things about the entrepreneurial attitude:

The highest factors are perseverance and risk propensity.
The factors where progress is still needed are collaboration, trust and networks.

It is important to collaborate more, to seek new alliances for our businesses, to take advantage of the different programs not only to gain new knowledge, but to connect with other entrepreneurs, to come up with ideas together, to share good practices, to help each other, and secondly, to connect with institutions that support entrepreneurship .

The index also shows us that we must boost the confidence of each entrepreneur. There is a concept that refers to something similar, which is self-efficacy, and it has to do with how we develop empowerment, how we really believe the story to achieve the challenges we set ourselves. We know that it is not easy sometimes to meet all the factors of an ideal profile for entrepreneurship, but it is important to recognize them in order to boost those factors in which we are weaker, or failing that, find support in other people to complement each other's strengths.