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New technologies have caused interaction with consumers

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:36 am
by Rajudh74
to be based on clicks and those who offer their services to be valued according to the cost of their product and not by its quality. Customer success gives perspective and freshness to the medium, and, as its name indicates, guarantees that there is traction between all parties and uses technological platforms to promote user loyalty and comfort throughout the entire process of acquisition, sale, customer service and after-sales.

At AMOGrowth, the person in charge of this responsibility is Nicolás Figueroa, who has been with the agency for a year and a half, also having experience in the administrative area of ​​the agency and in the switzerland email address digital part of the projects. He is currently working in the role of Customer Service, experimenting with them and constantly learning to improve the entire process of the company and raise it to another level. Figueroa explains that his work within the company is based primarily on organization. He is the one designated to be the one who maintains direct contact with the user to then communicate their doubts, ask their questions and express their suggestions, this in order to unify the information without it being dispersed, thus avoiding misinterpretations and confusion. Likewise, Nicolás believes that the experience he acquired at AMO transcends the work environment, it is based on advice, trust and a “friendship” that is worked on very closely with clients, learning from the technological tools they use and the management of different issues, to achieve the objective.

The functions performed range from contacting the client, carrying out personalized follow-up and continuing the process in other areas that make up the team. The main role is to traction with the consumer from their first contact to the publication of content; the strategy implemented during this year is based on making the client the center of attention, this is achieved after determining which media and platforms they frequent (slack, basecamp, among others) to ensure constant, effective communication, and that allows the user to be present during the product creation process, so they can have a broader vision of the work to be done and fine-tune the details in order to obtain a result faithful to their initial vision, always managing the expectations that could have been created and being honest with them.


Likewise, it is important to take into account that there will always be cases in which communication with the client is complicated and the approach has not been achieved. When this occurs, the way of contacting them is evaluated, it is verified that they are active, otherwise another solution is sought where the client is more comfortable. Among other more user-friendly platforms, one is being sought that links the client with WhatsApp because it is the most efficient, but this has not yet been implemented. Another strategy that Figueroa applies is to request feedback from the user in order to verify their conformity and satisfaction, learning from any criticism that may exist.

Customer service is everything for those who develop a project focused on commerce, and doing it correctly will be what will allow them to obtain a quality product. It is important to highlight that the customer is “always right” because the service must satisfy their needs, making them feel comfortable is one way to achieve this and is the objective of the Customer Success, who is undoubtedly a key piece in the essential structure of a company today.