Differences, advantages and disadvantages

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Differences, advantages and disadvantages

Post by pappu6329 »

SEO and SEM web positioning - Differences, advantages and disadvantages
It is very common that when talking about SEO and SEM positioning services, many clients do not know exactly the differences between one and the other, as well as the different advantages and disadvantages that each of the options present.

That is why I have decided to create this article to clear up any doubts that this may cause you.

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What is SEO web positioning or organic positioning?
What is SEM positioning or PPC positioning (pay per click)
SEO or SEM: So… which is better?
My opinion on SEO and SEM web positioning
Do you prefer to use SEO techniques on your website or are you more of a SEM person?
Do you think there are advantages or disadvantages that I have not discussed that you think are important?
What is SEO web positioning or organic positioning?
Organic positioning or SEO consists of optimizing the code of your website so that it appears at the top of search results for certain keywords naturally and without paying anything for it.

This is achieved by optimizing different attributes on the pages of dominican republic telegram data website (based on the keywords that we have established as important for the objective we have set) such as title tags, description tags, image tags, etc. as well as generating quality links (a technique known as link building) both internal (within your own website) and external (from other websites).

This is a very “rough” explanation, since, for example, hundreds of variables influence Google’s SEO algorithm to establish the final positioning of a specific website, but it serves to easily understand what an SEO optimization service consists of.

What is SEM positioning or PPC positioning (pay per click)
Pay-per-click (PPC) or SEM positioning is a type of positioning in which, as its name suggests, you will have to assign a specific budget to pay-per-click ads that will be spent as users access your website through said ads.

In other words, every time you click on a Google search result that has the word “ad” next to it, that click represents a cost to the company that owns the website you are accessing through that ad.

This type of positioning does not require any optimization of your website code or your content, nor does it take into account any of the variables of the search engine positioning algorithms that SEO positioning does take into account.

SEO or SEM: So… which is better?
As with most things in life, it is not about knowing which option is better than another, but rather about knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each option and choosing the one that best suits your needs. Below is a summary of some of them:

In SEM, once you have used up your daily budget, your ad will disappear and no user will see it again until the next day. However, with SEO your website will never disappear from the organic results regardless of whether you have more or fewer clicks on a certain day or time of year.
SEM has economic costs (sometimes very expensive and constant depending on the words you want to advertise) for the website owner and SEO has no cost (except the cost of having a professional optimize the code of your website, of course).
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