27. Choose Yourself! Be Happy, Make Millions,
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 5:19 am
27. Choose Yourself! Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream by James Altucher.
Best Business Books Choose Yourself James Altucher
This business book, my favorite from prolific writer and ridiculously hilarious entrepreneur James Altucher takes a refreshingly honest look at the difficult world we’re living in, where there are no guaranteed jobs, no certainty of a buy afghanistan number list retirement and no probability that a college degree will lead to the lifestyle you want. He believes that the only person you can fully believe in is yourself. One side effect of this “Brave New World,” is that it’s easier than ever to turn your own strengths, skills and interests into a business where you can employ yourself.
Altucher focuses on helping you improve your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing while finding your way towards uncovering potential business opportunities you’ll be uniquely qualified to pursue. In this business book, he asks why you would put your trust in others who don’t care about your future as much as you do—and gives you the tools to take control of your own life.
28. Purple Cow, New Edition: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin.
Best Business Books Purple Cow Seth Godin
In this business book, multi-bestselling author and marketer Seth Godin teaches readers that the Purple Cow is the fourth P of Marketing–after Price, Product and Publicity.
What exactly is a purple cow? It’s a metaphor for something that’s phenomenal, counterintuitive and even unbelievable. Godin believes your common-place cow to be brown and boring—the “industry standard.” On the other hand, if you were to see a purple cow out in a field, you’d stop and take notice. Anyone who sees a purple cow would never forget it. In Purple Cow, Godin outlines the importance of creating a purple cow with everything you build and do—and he gives you tactical strategies on how to make your business remarkable. And if you’re in the midst of learning how to drive traffic to your blog, creating something truly remarkable is the best long-term blog strategy you can ever invest in (check out my picks for the best blogging courses to get even more about building a blog readership).
Best Business Books Choose Yourself James Altucher
This business book, my favorite from prolific writer and ridiculously hilarious entrepreneur James Altucher takes a refreshingly honest look at the difficult world we’re living in, where there are no guaranteed jobs, no certainty of a buy afghanistan number list retirement and no probability that a college degree will lead to the lifestyle you want. He believes that the only person you can fully believe in is yourself. One side effect of this “Brave New World,” is that it’s easier than ever to turn your own strengths, skills and interests into a business where you can employ yourself.
Altucher focuses on helping you improve your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing while finding your way towards uncovering potential business opportunities you’ll be uniquely qualified to pursue. In this business book, he asks why you would put your trust in others who don’t care about your future as much as you do—and gives you the tools to take control of your own life.
28. Purple Cow, New Edition: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin.
Best Business Books Purple Cow Seth Godin
In this business book, multi-bestselling author and marketer Seth Godin teaches readers that the Purple Cow is the fourth P of Marketing–after Price, Product and Publicity.
What exactly is a purple cow? It’s a metaphor for something that’s phenomenal, counterintuitive and even unbelievable. Godin believes your common-place cow to be brown and boring—the “industry standard.” On the other hand, if you were to see a purple cow out in a field, you’d stop and take notice. Anyone who sees a purple cow would never forget it. In Purple Cow, Godin outlines the importance of creating a purple cow with everything you build and do—and he gives you tactical strategies on how to make your business remarkable. And if you’re in the midst of learning how to drive traffic to your blog, creating something truly remarkable is the best long-term blog strategy you can ever invest in (check out my picks for the best blogging courses to get even more about building a blog readership).