Decide for yourself that you are willing to devote resources to this. They will be required to regularly review the data, develop strategies for working with each segment, and adjust the strategy along the way.
Prepare data for RFM analysis. You will need information on each guest: the number of purchases over time, their amount, and the date of the last purchase.
Distribute all guests into segments. The numbe cayman Islands mobile phone number list r of segments depends on the number of evaluation parameters: when using three parameters, you will have 27 segments, when using two (as in RM, RF, and FM analysis) - 9.
Visualize the distribution on a graph. You can build it in Excel using the table data. Draw conclusions about the composition of the base.
Develop marketing activities for each segment. This could be a series of mailings or a broader, more comprehensive campaign.
Analyze the campaign results. Measure again for comparison (after 1-2 months for large stores, after 3-6 months for small stores).
RFM is far from the only, but extremely useful tool for analyzing the client base. Having done relatively little work with its help, you build an approach that takes into account the individual characteristics of each guest.