Recommendations for your video marketing:

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Recommendations for your video marketing:

Post by rosebaby37123 »

10 recommendations for your audiovisual content marketing

Recently, video has become a more attractive form of audiovisual content marketing for the audience. Who hasn't had to deal with a series of videos on their timeline on any social network? And the best thing is that we watch them and enjoy them.

It is also true that it is becoming increasingly popular for brands to have a YouTube channel, not only to make commercials or instructions, but also to educate or entertain followers and customers.

Creating this type of impactful audiovisual content can attract new audiences and help you build a solid base of followers who will help you boost not only your successful content, but also your brand.

It may seem simple, putting together and explaining a short video and then crossing your fingers and hoping it goes viral or at least has a good reception. With this post, I invite you and the rest of your digital marketing team to clear up your doubts about what is important and relevant in  audiovisual content marketing .

1. Ease of sharing
You might think that just by posting a video on your YouTube channel or other social networks, the job is already done, anyway, the share button is already there. But no, in reality there are many ways to make your video have a high chance of being shared, that is, the share button is already there, you just need a push so that everyone can click on it and you canadian healthcare and medical email list will be successful in your audiovisual content marketing strategy.

Before you even start producing your audiovisual content, analyze and study which topics are trending on YouTube or which ones attract a lot of traffic to your channel or website. You can use Google Search Console to find out.

Choose a topic that is in line with the theme of your channel or one that you can “twist” and that has a similar meaning to what you produce. Then put yourself in the shoes of your ideal consumer or follower to try to find out what words they would use to describe your video. These words will be the keywords you will use to define the video content .


This way, the consumer will assume that your video is created for them and you will be able to share it successfully.

2. Play with storytelling
Storytelling is a very effective strategy when it comes to content marketing, it is important that you keep it in mind when creating content and videos that you want to have a high conversion rate.

This technique defines very well how users want to feel when playing a video, they want something that moves them, that brings them to tears or an explosion of laughter, rage or sadness. Users want to feel something, and you have to give it to them. Otherwise, we would not be talking about an audiovisual content marketing strategy.

3. Connect values
Values ​​are one of the things that define humanity, they are within us and are part of a whole. Therefore, as long as you use values ​​in the content of your videos, you will be able to connect with many people and your channel will become more popular.
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