In this post we are going to talk at length about Google Shopping and its importance in recent years.
Shall we begin?
First, let's explain what Google Shopping is and how its importance has grown over the last few years.
What is Google Shopping?
Google Shopping is one of the advertising services offered by Google to display products from registered stores and compare prices.
The definition varies depending on whether we are the advertisers or the buyers, let's see.
Advertisers vs. Buyers
If we are advertisers, Google Shopping is a platform where we can display our products when our potential customers perform a search, accompanied by their photo, title, price or, in other words, their complete product information.
If we are the buyers, Google Shopping is a product price comparison site where we can find the best price for the product we are looking for.
In short, it is a great showcase for advertisers, since, although many factors influence their appearance in a relevant way, products can appear when a user performs a search.
How does Google Shopping work?
To see how it works, the best thing we can do is go to Google and do a philippines cellphone number search.
In this example we searched for “casio calculator”.
Google shopping and Black Friday - Example search Casio
As you can see, two types of ads appear.
The product sheet format with a product photo, title and price are the Shopping ads and the one below is the text ad.
The system by which one appears in one or the other is different.
While text ads are bid on keywords, Shopping ads are bid on products.
Instead, both ads are managed from the same platform, which is Google Ads.
There are several variables that determine which products appear or which others, but the most important ones are:
Correlating search terms with our product titles and descriptions.
Bidding on Google Ads.
For this reason, it is vitally important to have a well-structured product feed with all the necessary information to appear for the appropriate search terms.
The more information we add to the feed, the more specific terms we will appear in searches and we will be showing our products to a much more segmented and specialized audien