6 Artificial Intelligence Applications for Content Marketing

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6 Artificial Intelligence Applications for Content Marketing

Post by Abdur11 »

At the end of 2022, the Fundación del Español Urgente (FundéuRAE) announced that the most notable expression of the year in Spanish had been 'Inteligencia Artificial' (AI) . And although the concept is not new (since it was incorporated into the Academy's dictionary in 1992), it earned this honor for "its important presence in the media during the twelve months of the year, as well as in the social debate, due to the various advances developed in this field and the ethical consequences derived from them . ”

In this article we will see some applications of Artificial Intelligence for content marketing.

AI is a genuine social phenomenon that, far from being a passing phenomenon like many others, is destined to change the world as we know it. Not in vain, many companies have realised this and are rushing to singapore whatsapp number invest in this technology, spurred on by the promises of profitability it offers. And one of the fields where there is the greatest potential is content marketing… Will you join us to discover the reasons?

Artificial intelligence

AI is here to stay
In 2017, the Accenture consultancy report 'How Artificial Intelligence drives profits and innovation in industry' estimated that AI would increase the profitability rates of 16 sectors in 12 different economies by an average of six percentage points by 2035. And although it is still too early to confirm whether it was correct, we can already confirm that AI is gaining ground by leaps and bounds.

At the end of 2022, 12.6% of Spanish companies (with more than 10 employees) used this technology in one way or another, according to a study by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) , a percentage that rose to 41.6% in the case of companies in the ICT sector . Most of them used it to automate workflows, analyse data ( machine learning ) or identify people/objects from images .

Moreover, recent phenomena such as the launch of accessible and free AI tools for content generation will further contribute to its growth in both personal and professional spheres. We are referring, for example, to applications such as ChatGPT or DALL-E , which allow the generation of texts and images in real time, respectively.

What advantages can Artificial Intelligence bring to content marketing?
If we stick to content marketing , everything suggests that the emergence of AI will also mean a paradigm shift. That is why we have selected 6 applications or benefits of this technology that are already beginning to be applicable to this area of ​​marketing:


Content creation
As much as it is the most obvious advantage of AI for content marketing, it is important to highlight that it does not have to mean the end of professions such as those practiced by editors, writers, copywriters , etc. As we have already mentioned (using ChatGPT as an example) , today we have applications capable of generating articles and works on specialized topics in seconds.

Their major short-term problem is that they are not overly reliable tools , because they tend to make major mistakes . Although everything indicates that they will improve rapidly to offer increasingly better results , at the same time that other 'sentinel' applications are also emerging to identify whether the text is the work of a human or a machine.

Given their capabilities, it seems likely that these programs will help content creators optimize their processes , improve their texts, and be more accurate in choosing language and themes, so that their creations are more relevant and interesting.
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