The Central Bank (BC) , the National Confederation of Retail Managers (CNDL) and the Credit Protection Service (SPC Brasil) signed a technical cooperation agreement today (6) to encourage coordinated actions in the area of financial citizenship, inclusion and protection for users of financial products and services . Consumers will have access to lectures and financial education courses to learn how to better manage their own money.
Under the agreement, which will last for two years, the BC will publish financial education content on the digital platform Cidadania Financeira. The agency will also promote training and education initiatives. SPC Brasil will share the content produced by the BC on its channels, such as the Meu Bolso Feliz website and the SPC Consumidor app. The entity will forward research to the monetary authority.
According to the Director of Institutional Relations and Citizenship at the Central Bank, Isaac Sidney Ferreira, banking penetration (access to banking services) has grown by 3.3% in the last ten years. He said, however, that a large part of the population uses credit poorly and goes into debt beyond what is necessary. According to the director, improved luxembourg email list management could be reflected in a reduction in the banking spread – the difference between the interest rates at which banks raise funds and the rates they offer to end borrowers.
“We all have to promote financial citizenship, hence the importance of the Central Bank establishing partnerships. We will combine efforts, exchange aggregated data, matching demands and access to financial services. This behavioral diagnosis of those who use retail and credit can help us assess the impact of important public policies,” declared the director after signing the agreement.
According to CNDL and SPC Brasil, in January, 22% of Brazilians were denied credit when trying to pay for a purchase in installments at commercial establishments or hire services on credit. For 36% of them, proof or sufficient income was lacking. One in three had restrictions placed on their CPF due to default.
For the president of CNDL, José César Costa, the agreement could result in improvements in the lives of consumers and increase the population's purchasing power. The president of SPC Brasil, Roque Pellizzaro, said that financial organization is as important for consumers as it is for companies.
“Brazil’s development will only occur when every citizen has an organized budget. This includes small businesses, which often do not survive because entrepreneurs have no idea how to properly use resources. This agreement has a lot to contribute to financial citizenship, which is essential for the long-term sustainable development of our currency,” said Pellizzaro. He called for the approval of the bill that expands the positive registry (list of good payers), to improve access to credit in the country and reduce average interest rates for end borrowers.