We observed that in the period analyzed, the sentiment regarding the work modality was 40% negative and 29% positive.
Users consider that this type of work can be carried out anywhere. At the same time, flexible schedules can be managed according to the activities scheduled by the team, as long as the times and spaces are organized appropriately.
is the time workers save on commuting to the office. They point out that the workplace can be a long distance from their home and that working from home makes things easier for them over time.
Users believe that by working from home they can take advantage mexico phone numbers example their time to invest in better quality rest or to do some physical activity, favoring the tranquility of each member.
Working from a place where you share time with your family or roommates can be beneficial. For some couples, spending so much time together has been an opportunity to get to know each other better and understand each other's workload in order to redistribute household responsibilities.
Users indicate that migrating to teleworking has meant having a start time but not an end time. We identified comments from people who receive messages outside of work hours or work requests during hours that correspond to personal time.
Comments on the low quality of telecommunications services are highlighted, preventing workers from performing their work at 100%
They also point out that when working from home they run the risk of untimely power outages or sudden internet drops, which can cause delays in some processes and the rescheduling of virtual meetings.
Working from home can also cause workers to have poor work integration. Users say that while there are times when the atmosphere feels very calm, they can also feel very lonely. If you are an extroverted person or like to interact at all times, you may even miss your co-workers even more.
Outside of a regulated environment, such as working from an office, where you constantly have a supervisor or boss, it is very easy to procrastinate on assigned tasks. Users mention that they have to work even on Sundays.
It is important for companies that want to migrate to the home office modality
At the same time, consider a change in the organizational culture, since this new work system requires improving interpersonal relationships between workers, both within the organization and with their immediate environment at home, since that is where the office has migrated.
There is no doubt that properly implemented home office brings positive results for organizations. As long as it is implemented with an adequate space for the worker to carry out their work, and optimal services, such as light and internet.
Constant support from the company is key, as long as the worker can optimally perform his daily tasks without ceasing to feel that he is part of an organization, with objectives, rules and activities that promote the satisfaction of all its members.